First State Residential Living
Our Mission
In alliance with Delaware Developmental Disabilities Services, First State Residential’s mission is valuing persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, honoring abilities, respecting choice, achieving possibilities, and working together to support healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives.
Our vision is for the people we serve to live fulfilling lives.
The following Belief Statements and Guiding Principles serve as the foundation for client care at First State Residential Living.
We Believe in a person's right to a lifestyle of choice and self-determination.
Guiding Principle One: Services shall empower and support personal decision making.
We Believe in a person's individuality. Each person has unique qualities which we recognize and value.
Guiding Principle Two: Services shall be person-centered; supporting each person to explore and assert his/her own individuality.
We Believe people with disabilities have the same rights as other citizens.
Guiding Principle Three: Services shall protect people's rights, and support people to exercise their rights.
We Believe people with disabilities are an integral part of their community. We believe a person with disabilities, and the community, both benefit when they engage each other.
Guiding Principle Four: Services shall support people to have meaningful roles in the community.
We Believe in a community where persons with disabilities feel included and can participate as they desire.
Guiding Principle Five: Services shall work to build the capacity of the community to accept and socially nourish people with disabilities.
We Believe in the right of all people to be treated with dignity and respect.
Guiding Principle Six: Service recipients shall feel that they are a valued member of the team. Service supports shall be delivered in a manner that recognizes each person's humanity.